Plans for this year are looking great! I think this year the haunt will finally be as detailed as I'd like. I can't say all the details, but you can expect things like rusty pipes and old western facades in parts, along with custom lighting and sound aswell. Remember the room at the end of the haunt last year? It will become a mine shaft with a dead (or not so dead) miner inside. Also, the room with the hanging sheets will become a half claustrophobia tunnell. All other rooms from last year will be completely changed. It's going to be scary as crap. We'll blow you away with the detail and then, BOOM scare you just like that. Actors will definately be scarrier than ever. This haunt will be unlike anything we've ever done before.
Over the past week I've been working on stacking the wood from the haunt last year and let me tell you we have a ton. The plywood and two by threes alone make a stack four feet by eight feet by four feet, and then there's a bunch of random walls and fences. It doesn't seem like that much when it's all put together, but it's a ton of wood when it's stacked on the ground. This year I'm going to double that amount of wood...
The haunt will be open THREE NIGHTS for 2010; Friday the 29th, Saturday he 30th, and Sunday the 31st (Halloween).