Thank you to everybody who helped make 2012 the best Creep Acres has ever been! Our new location allowed us to be about 2.5 times bigger than last year, and with that came a ton more work and lots more acting places to fill, so let me say it again THANK YOU to our volunteers!
We had only about 100 people come through this year, which was expected as our new location was quite a bit more rural than our old space, but we got great reviews and some even said we should have charged (but rest assured, next year will still be free!).
On to the pictures! I plan on updating the website soon with lost more photos but for now here's a few of my favorites!
Thanks again for your suport! Next year will be even better (we've already started planning) and I'll be posting progress photos as we go.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Knee Deep in Haunt Construction
Whew! This year has been crazy already and it's only September!
Two weekends ago we started work on UNEARTHED, and this past Thursday I built the BBQ shack for Uncle Bubba's. The repair shop is very close to done, with just a few big projects left, and the BBQ shack just needs electrical hookup and a roof and it will be good to go. This upcoming weekend we will be building the rest of Uncle Bubba's; primarily the slaughterhouse and barn. As of right now, UNEARTHED is still a mess, with every scene started but none anywhere close to being done. Some of the biggest projects for this haunt include a staircase, a sewer scene, and a cave, all of which will be super time consuming but should look awesome when complete.
On to the pictures! Enjoy!
Saturday, August 4, 2012
What a year!
Quite a bit has happened since my last post, first and foremost being our new logo by Rick Whitlow!
Over the spring, our family has decided to move 2 short miles down the road to a 2 acre farm with a large workshop. Of course, we're now planning on making use of over half of that shop space for the Halloween season, with an end result equalling over three times as much floor space as our old haunt. Accordingly, we've decided to break the haunt up thematically into three sections, which will be elaborated on below. As we have in previous years, we will be opening not only on Halloween, but also on the weekend before, totalling 3 nights of screams for 2012!
Here is a rough breakdown of the event:
The front yard will feature light-hearted tombstones as it has in past years at our old location, only many more than we ever have had before (with a bigger piece of land comes a bigger front yard). Additionally, I've acquired a nine-foot-tall inflatable cemetery arch from a fellow haunter which will be great to enhance the front yard's overall fun and friendly atmosphere, a stark contrast from the creepy and dingy elements of the rest of the show.
The queue line will be made out of various agricultural fences used to herd animals to the slaughter. This jumble of stockade fencing will feature Halloween and horror related music as well as a recording of the attraction's rules. Additionally, we will set up a small shack at the end of the line to house the greeter actor who will usher guests into the first attraction.
Drawing off of the slaughterhouse theme of the queue line, the first attraction is a return of last year's widely popular theme, Uncle Bubba's BBQ. Unlike last year's version, however, this returning haunt will be more strict to its theme and will place more emphasis on the slaughterhouse instead of the BBQ restaurant itself (though it will still be featured). This year you'll venture deep into the killing and cleaning rooms of the slaughterhouse and will experience a small cornfield inside the event.
The second haunt, Body Repairmen, will take guests inside of Charlie's Auto Repair, where deformed mechanics amputate body parts from non-deformed victims and sew them onto themselves. This gruesome plot unfolds with the backdrop of a long-forsaken repair shop, stocked to the brim with antique tools and hidden vehicles to run over unsuspecting victims. As of right now, this is the only portion of the haunt that I've started setting up so far, and let me just say, this is gonna be one for the books! While I'm not anywhere done with it, the scenes I've built so far are some of the best I've ever made.
Finally, guests will enter UNEARTHED: Into the Cellar. While I'm looking forward to all three haunts, I have to say that this is the one I'm most excited about building. The general theme is that of a demonic serial killer dwelling in an industrial building and killing all who dare enter. Some of the general rooms currently in the planning stages include a boiler room, the killer's makeshift bedroom, and a climactic escape into a sewer that's bound to leave a mark on guests.
Overall, this year is going to be far beyond anything we've ever done before! More info on all attractions can be found at
On to the pictures, all from Body Repairmen! Keep in mind that they represent a work in progress and that the finished product will contain much, MUCH more detail.
That's all for now! More updates to come as we get closer to October.
~ Collin
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Another Successful Year!
Thanks to everyone who made 2011 such an awesome year! See you all later this year for our sixth year of fear!
For all the pictures, visit
For a video walkthrough of the haunt, visit Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel for more haunt videos as we get closer to Halloween this year.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
2011 Building Has Begun!
I started work on wall panels a few days ago. So far I have 10 NEW panels in various stages of completion, plus all the walls from last year. Everything's looking great so far, I have a lot planned for this year. Expect some awesome sets, great scares and lots of darkness. Most likely we will open three nights again, more info on that as we get closer to Halloween. I'll post more pictures as building progresses. Until then, Happy Haunting!
Monday, May 9, 2011
A Quick Update
Just wanted to let everyone know that things haven't slowed down halloween wise, we're still planning to start building at the end of July like we always do, everything's still on schedule. Right now we're still in the planning phase, I just wanted to let everyone know that everything's still on track.

This here is just a picture from 2009 of an overview. I kind of like the big angle on it, but it has no current relevence. Just fun to look at. :)
Monday, February 28, 2011
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