Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Work Has Started!

Building Has Officially Started! I'm working hard to try to get the first third of thye haunt finished by the end of August! This year I'm converting to the industry standard of 4' by 8' pannels screwed together to create a path. The only setback is the paint- the 5 gallon container was so full that we couldn't get any more black into it, so the walls will end up being either white or conctete grey...

In other news, I'm working on a new website for Creep Acres. For now you can view it at http://creepacres.yolasite.com/ Sonn, it will have it's own domain name at creepacres.com- I just want to work out the kinks before that time.
That's about all! Happy Haunting!

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